局部血液循环障碍   │  心血管  │  传染病-结核
├→病例 (中文/英文讨论图解

A male patient of 64 was admitted to the hospital because of sudden onset severe substernal chest pain with short breath and palpitation induced by exertion.
The patient has a history of coronary heart disease and used to stay in the hospital for a period time. Two months ago, he had a pain at the costovertebral angle. Urinalysis showed many RBC. The patient felt the pain releases after two weeks treatment with antibiotics.
Physicalexamination:Temp.36.7℃,Pulse78/min, Resp.30/min, Bp.140/90mmHg, consciousness, moderate nourished, deep and labored respiration. No any superficial lymph nodes touched, and no jaundice in appearance. Coarse moist rales in both lungs, weak and irregular heart beating. St segment abnormalities were found on ECG(electrocardiogram) and indicated heart disease.
Diagnosis: acute myocardial infarction.
Treatment: intravenous infusion and oxygen inhalation to correct arrhythmia and heart failure. But after 20 hours hospitalization, the patient sudden felt a severe chest distress and palpitation, failure of rescue and died at last.
Autopsy finding: ⑴Many atheromatous plaques were found in the coronary artery and aorta, and there was a thromboid solid in the left anterior descending coronary artery.⑵A pale zone was found in the posterior wall of the left ventricle, and the anterior wall of the left ventricle and apex were dark-red in color and very soft in touch.⑶Mural thrombus was found on the endocardial surface of the left ventricle.⑷Lungs showed congested(dark red)and soft, and much pink foamy liquid came out from the cutting surface.⑸A pale triangle area was found in the kidney.

For you:
1. Please write down the diagnosis for each slide.
2. Please describe the development of the coronary heart disease and the relationship between those changes in heart, lung and kidney.
3. What’s the main cause of the death.

版权所有:天津医科大学    电话:022-23542621    电子邮件:jwc@tijmu.edu.cn