Clinical Pathological Conference Ⅱ
Abstract of clinical history (A82013)
A 20-year-old female was admitted to the
hospital on November 7, 1982, with a complaint
of rigor and fever for about 6 days and delirium
for about 3 days.
7 days before admission, the patient developed
sore throat and cough , then suddenly got a high
fever up to 40℃ with rigor. 3 days after that,
the patient developed headache, delirium and
slight paralysis of the right limb. Two days
before admission, severe abdominal pain appeared
but subsided one day later.
On examination the patient was well developed
and moderately nourished, slight loss of
PE: T 39℃, P 100/min, R 20/min, BP 120/80mmHg.
Petechiae might be seen on the skin of the
chest. There was resistance on the neck,
dullness of the right lower lobe on percussion.
The heart was not enlarged with regular rhythm.
There was grade II blowing systolic murmur on
the area of the pulmonary valve. The abdomen was
soft, but slight tenderness on the upper part.
Liver was 1cm below the costal margin. Spleen
was not palpable. Tendon reflex was weakened but
Kernig's and Babinski's sign were all positive.
Experimental findings:
WBC: 9400-11200, Polymorphs 72%, lymphocytes
24%, Basophils 2%, monocytes 2%
ESR: 26mm/first hr.
CO2CP: 16meq%.
Urine: Protein ++, RBC ++++, WBC 3-5, Cast (-).
Stool: OB ( ).
CSF: Protein 148mg%, Sugar 64.8%, and Chlorides
Total cells 23000, WBC 19800, PMN 90%.
Bacteria culture: (-).
Chest X-ray: small patched shadows occurred on
the two lower lobes.
EKG: normal.
The patient still had fever and lost
consciousness. The paralysis of right limb
became severe and repeated occurring of upper
abdominal pain. The heart murmur became
pronounced and the heart rate being up to
120/min. 30days after admission, suddenly
abdominal pain became severe and the patient
fell into completed unconsciousness with
irregular breathing. Finally stopped respiration
and heart beat.